9 Mistake To Avoid While Purchasing Solar System In Perth, Australia

Is it worthwhile to invest in solar panels? They can be if you avoid a few of the most typical blunders people make when they buy a solar system in Perth, whether it’s for residential solar panels or commercial solar panels.

A thorough analysis and research before buying a solar system in Perth are imperative. Solar systems, including solar batteries and solar inverters, are one of the smartest investments you can make today for your home, saving you money now and in the future. However, most homeowners have made poor decisions to save money. Solar panel installation can increase your savings, but finding the best quality solar system can be challenging. So, let’s consider the price of installing a solar system and how you can avoid these 9 mistakes when buying a solar system in Perth!

  1. Purchasing the lowest option simply because it is the cheapest option: If a solar system appears to be too good to be true, it most often is! Here are the three ways they can keep the pricing so low:
  • The solar company pays the subcontracted solar installer half the normal rate. For example, a 1.5kw solar system installation costs $500 instead of $1000. The solar panel installation has no choice but to accomplish it so cheaply except to cut corners! Remember that solar panel installation is a three-person task that takes at least half a day per system and necessitates extensive training, equipment, consumables, and insurance coverage.
  • The solar company has no plans to set aside funds for ongoing customer care or warranty concerns. It has no intention of fulfilling guarantees in the future (they may have a complicated corporate structure that allows them to do this completely legally!).
  • The business has no interest in measuring your roof, assessing your solar potential, or analyzing your electricity usage trends.
  1. Demanding an Off-Grid System because it “returns to nature.”: Please don’t go off the grid unless you continue living miles away from the next grid connection! In comparison to a grid-connected system, the economics are outrageous. Also, instead of being all sustainable and green, you’ll be using all kinds of bad chemicals in your massive battery bank, which Mother Earth will not approve.
  2. The size of the solar panel is unknown: Do you want to know how big a solar system you need for your home? It is dependent on a variety of factors and is not limited to the physical size of solar panels required. The ability of a solar panel system to produce power is referred to as the solar system size.’ For example, under normal conditions, a solar panel system rated at 300 watts produces 300 watts of electricity, and so on.

The following are three effective methods for calculating the size of a solar panel:

  • PV Watts – PV Watts provides a detailed breakdown of system output down to the hour, based on location and building factors.
  • Calculator for Solar Reviews – The calculator suggests a system size for your roof and displays actual costs from solar contractors in your area.
  • Request a quote from an installer – Get many quotes from different installers.

Other elements that influence the size of a solar panel include:

  • Usage
  • Weather and solar isolation
  • Features of the Roof
  • Losses in the system
  • Storage of batteries
  1. If your roof has any shade at all, you don’t get a shade analysis: By simply looking at the roof on a single day, how can you tell how much shade will affect your solar system? The sun’s location fluctuates during the day and year, and the geometry of it all is incredibly difficult! So, do yourself a favour and avoid investing without conducting a thorough shadow study.
  2. Warranty: An Overview: Performance warranty, product warranty, and solar equipment warranty are all included in the solar system warranty. Many solar companies offer a 25 to 30-year linear performance warranty and a performance guarantee of 79 to 87 percent. On the other hand, a linear performance warranty does not imply that your system will produce a specified amount of solar energy. Protection is offered for defects in materials or workmanship under a product guarantee. However, it does not cover the cost of labour to diagnose, replace, or ship the equipment. Each solar system relies on several components to work efficiently, each of which comes with its own manufacturer’s warranty.
  3. Not understanding what protections Australian law offers to consumers: Solar producers can easily get out of the ‘performance warranty’ by claiming that any problems in the panels are covered by the ‘panel warranty,’ which in certain circumstances is just 5 years. So when you acquire a solar system, you get four different warranties: the ‘performance warranty.’ The other three awards are for your inverter, panels, and workmanship. What you want to look for in terms of warranties is:
  • Your solar inverter comes with a ten-year warranty.
  • A ten-year warranty covers your product.
  • A 5-year warranty covers workmanship.
  1. A belief that geography makes solar power unfeasible: Panel orientations and household orientations will have the biggest impact on maximising the usage of solar electricity.

To maximise the amount of electricity, the optimal panel direction is —

  • North Orientation: North-facing panels will generate the most overall electricity.
  • West Orientation: West-facing solar panels produce around 15% less electricity than north-facing solar panels.
  • North-West Orientation: This orientation produces around 5% less electricity than panels facing north.
  • East-Facing: East-facing solar panels will produce around 15% less electricity than north-facing panels, but they will produce more electricity in the morning and less in the afternoon.
  • North-east Orientation: This orientation will produce around 5% less electricity than solar panels facing north, but it will do so throughout the day.
  1. Inability to obtain several quotations: This isn’t a sleazy ad for the free service offered by my website. It’s crucial to acquire multiple quotations whenever feasible, as some unscrupulous installers are still charging consumers $20,000 for a $5,000 system. You can learn whether solar panels are good for your budget and whether you’re getting ripped off by getting numerous companies to give you a summary of how much solar panels will cost you (in either price or quality).
  2. Awaiting the arrival of new technology: Many early solar consumers are earning significant rewards. However, waiting for new technologies can feel like an eternity. Today, solar systems use advanced technology to harness the sun’s energy and are meant to be energy-efficient and cost-effective.

Conclusion: It is very important to check the lifespan of solar systems when shopping. Contracting companies are more likely to give high-quality equipment with longer warranties, indicating that they will last longer.

As a result, keeping an eye on your system’s durability might help you protect your investment.